Telugu Film that reached the world

A landmark in Indian cinema LAVAKUSHA celebrates, 50 years after its release it still makes news. Based on the Indian Epic ramayan, the movie has a distinct style of story telling with no commercial elements. The film a treat by itself and a must in all spiritual functions its music. The best part is the film is a 3 hour 50 min experience while the music and songs traditional opera like PADYALU are 1 hour 45 minutes speaks in it volumes of the movie. And the best part is people adore Lord Rama and even today when the protaganist appears on screen he is showered with flowers.

The most amazing part is it is the only film to have been screened for 500 days

The other notable and amazing thing is in 1963 march (29) when the film was released the population of Andhra Pradesh was 3 crores and the film earned 1 crore INR and this when the cost of the ticket was from 25 paise to 1 INR.


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