

I have very little knowledge of this great saint

may be we should ask Sankaran for more on him ….

Kural – 1114
The lotus, seeing her, with head demiss, the ground would eye,
And say, ‘With eyes of her, rich gems who wears, we cannot vie.’
If the blue lotus could see, it would stoop and look at the ground saying, “I can never resemble the eyes of this excellent jewelled one.”

Kural – 1119
If as her face, whose eyes are flowers, thou wouldst have charms for me,
Shine for my eyes alone, O moon, shine not for all to see!
O moon, if you wish to resemble the face of her whose eyes are like (these) flowers, do not appear so as to be seen by all.
Imag courtesy: oochappan ©®

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There was a man in the first century B.C. in Tamil Nadu, in a place named Poompuhar on the banks of the river Cauvery. He earned a living by weaving cloth and selling it. In the same place there was a rich man whose son was a naughty boy. This lad came to the weaver and asked what was the price of the sari he was selling. The man replied, “Three rupees (the price in those days)”. The lad tore the sari into half and asked what was the price of the half of the sari. The weaver relied, “A rupee and a half.” The lad tore it again into two and asked what was the price of the torn piece. The man replied, “It is worth twelve annas” (The three fourths of a rupee). The weaver did not get angry at the lad’s behavior. He was calm and unruffled. The young lad was astonished. He asked the weaver, “How did you acquire the quality of forbearance (Kshama)?” The man replied, “Forbearance is truth. It is right conduct. It is non-violence. It is a source of great joy. It is heaven itself. It is the summum bonum of this world. There is nothing greater than forbearance in this world.”
( Read on here )

Thiruvalluvar, the honoured Tamil poet, who 2000 years ago created Tirukkural, a great masterpiece of 1330 verses dealing with virtue, wealth, love, envy….. It has been a code of living, a bible, for many South Indians. The huge statue is 133ft (41m) high.

Some verses by Thiruvalluvar:

“Humility is a precious quality in all people,
But it has a rare richness in the rich.”

“Giving to the poor is true charity.
All other giving expects a recompense.”

“Friendship is not seen on a friendly face,
But felt deep within a friendly heart.”

“Prostitutes, thieves and those who make friends
To make money are all alike.”

More verses here.

9 thoughts on “Tthiruvalluvar

  1. The word “Thiru” denotes ‘sanctity’, and “Kural” means ‘Voice’, here meaning the short verses (couplets.

    This work in Tamil has been translated in over 60 languages of the world.
    Nearly 300 years ago, the Italian Jesuit missionary, Constantius translated the Thirukkural into Latin.
    Rev. G U Pope translated the Kural and printed the it first in English.
    C Rajagopalachari has also translated the Kural into English.

    After perhaps the Bible and the Koran, the Kural is the most translated work.

    And that huge sculpture is located at Cape Comorin (Kanya Kumari), at the confluence of the 3 seas.
    I hope that should suffice, Veeru?

  2. I find this stuff fascinating, even moreso since I took up “yoga”, that’s part of hinduism right? Forgive me if I’m wrong 🙂 Here I do yoga daily but I have a statue of “the buddha” in my home, I’m so weird lol

  3. Though I did my 4 yrs engg. in Tamilnadu, I never heard of him until I went to Germany, where I met a few SriLankan people. Felt v.guilty of it…

  4. I always appreciate messages of love and wisdom. I once read a little book once called _The Greatest Thing In the World_ by Henery Drummond. The man spoke of the “summum bonum”, He asked what the greatest thing in the world, the ultimate thing to covet? I won’t go over the entire book here, but to sum it up. He said the greatest thing was LOVE. He depicted love like looking through a crystal with all it facsets. Then he concluded with the this, “if you love, truly love you would fulfill all the commandments. You would not be able to steal, or to covet your neighbors goods because you would rather he had them, you would not want to kill any living thing.” Etc. Anyway, it made quite an impression on me, as with you post. Thank you!

  5. “Friendship is not seen on a friendly face,
    But felt deep within a friendly heart.”
    If Creator of the world has decreed begging as a means of livelihood, may he too go begging and perish.

  6. Veeru,

    You have done a great honour to Thiruvalluvar. He is indeed a great poet. Thirukkural is made up of three division dealing with all aspect of our life. Be it a family,life, truth, politics, family life and intimacy,love you can find everything here. Every “Kural” (Allow me to correct Sankaran, in Tamil we have three “La” and the one for Thirukural doesn’t represent “Voice” As stated by him) made up of only two lines. The first line has Four words and the second one has only three words.

    And he did not live as a saint but as a complete family man. His third section in Thirukural is all about family,love, care and affection.

    Kudos to you my friend.

  7. I have heard few of the Thirukural recited by one of our carnatic vocalist at the institute…i hardly understand any as they seem to be with perfect dialect….but yeah he is so renowned for this thirukural..that ppl believe that if their kid can recite one of them…he can recite any tougher clauses or to know more about him in your blog…

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